Monday, January 4, 2010

It's All About Being Seen

I started this blog as a way to express my thoughts and feelings about why I love doing hair. Since it's a new year, I decided that I would do myself a huge favor and actually post. At first, I was not worried about it, since it seems I have only follower (thanks auntie)who loves me unconditionally. I figured it was not going to matter if I posted or not.

Then an email from Anton came and I realized that however slim, there was a chance that people would see what I wrote and have an interest as well. Anton, you changed my thought process and gave me hope that there is a higher purpose to this thing. More than just my own ranting, a tangible way for strangers with similarities to connect.

Whether in the blogoshpere or the real world, with my hairstyles or with my thoughts about's all about being seen. The point of doing hair well, is so to create a following and have people come back again and again. Same with the blog. I need people to understand what I am about, I am driven to make it happen for one reason or another.

Confession: I like the attention that doing a great job gives me. I like the ego boost, the enthusiasm, the thrill, and the rush of being accepted and needed. Is that too far off base for the real world? I don't think so. Most people thrive on that same thing, they just express it diverse ways. I express it with my work and my blog. Either you get me, or you don't. If you don't; keep working on it and so will I.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Year 2010

It's a new year and with it comes a new perspective. I always resolved to learn new things and try them too. Every time I open a new hairstyling book I wonder, "Now why didn't I think of that?"

My website is finally up and running. It's nothing fancy, but it does let people who want to know, all about the salon. Go see it at Let me know what you think. I am always up for suggestions.

Confession: Last year flew by, I hardly even had time to recognize all the great work I did! I am so grateful for the people who allow me into their lives. Thank you loyal clients, family and friends! Let's make 2010 one to remember.