Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Daily Grind

I suppose that going to a job should feel like that; the daily grind. Mine doesn't. I love going into the salon everyday. Having my own place, is like a refuge from the rest of the world. Even from home, which I LOVE. But being in that space, with all my tools and equipment, knowledge and know how..makes me giddy! It's like I am the ruler of my own universe. No one should in reality have that kind of power! It's addicting.

Every time a new client comes in and I can give them a new look, or improve what they have; I get this tingly feeling inside. When a client's face lights up with excitement, it's like looking at a child on Christmas day! It gives me so much joy to help people feel better about themselves like that. I cannot accurately describe the swelling of pride that happens in my head.

My many friends and clients will tell you that I pride myself on listening to their needs. I always do my best to give people what they want.

Confession: The result of my hard work and effective listening skills is a happy and loyal clientele. But at the end of day, it's really all about me. I love the feeling I get when I make someone happy. I am an addict. This is an addiction that I will never want help for.

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