Thursday, April 16, 2009

When The Phone Rings

I actually got to a point in my life, when I hated to hear the phone ring. It meant that someone wanted something from me. I used to long for the days of my youth before cell phones and PC's, call waiting, caller ID, even answering machines. Sounds terrible doesn't it? I need my phone. I have a shiny new Blackberry..what would I do with out it? But at home or at work, that constant nagging of the ring always let me know when someone wants something and I cannot escape! WHAT? I only scream that in my head of course...

Now things are very different. Perhaps it is my perception that has changed. A ringing phone is now music to my ears! I love it when my phone says that there is something real going on here. It also says CHA CHING!! Not quite the same as Twittering. A phone call is still somewhat personal. There is an actual human being on the other end (most of the time anyway)who wants to talk to me. I told you, this job is really all about me.

Technology has let us become so impersonal. We no longer need to be face to face with people for most things anymore. Not here in my world! Here, people turn off their cell phones and walk away from their laptops and have to sit, face to face with me. I get to interact with people on a regular basis, where they open up like nothing you have ever seen on Facebook. It's amazing. There are still places where people act like people, where their most basic of needs are still being met in person, not by technology.

Confession: I know that technology will never make me obsolete. There is not an online forum, chat room, or blogisphere that will ever replace what I can do for people. Now that's job security!

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